Artist Alley

Need A Table?

*Whoa, y’all move quick! We are currently placing new applicants on a waitlist and if space becomes available, we’ll approve in order of receipt…thank you!

Creative minds and art enthusiasts are welcome to participate in our Artist Alley!

Artists who offer a variety of handmade creations for sale, including original artwork, prints, crafts, clothing, comics, and more can be a part of Artist Alley.



Artist Alley is a creative hot spot where convention attendees can get up close and personal with talented artists and creators! If you are an artist with products you have personally created, Artist Alley is a fantastic way to get in front of thousands of people over a three-day convention.

Artist Alley is meant for those who create their own items, here are a few of the qualifications we look for when someone applies for a table:

  • All goods must be handmade or designed by artist.
  • No reselling of goods that were not created, designed, or sculpted by artist.
  • Mass produced or manufactured items are not allowed.

Yes! But we ask that each artist submits the required information. The application form will have a spot for shared artist info.

Applications are open! Head to the top of the page and click on the button that says “Apply Now.”